Centos6完美升级Python 2.6.6到Python 2.7.8

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今天在申请Let's Encrypt SSL证书时,找到了梦寐以求的简单的无缝升级方案!

来自外国朋友bertramn的方法 https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/1106

Below worked for me on RHEL 6 based clone

enable software collections

Centos e.g.

yum install centos-release-SCL

or Oracle Linux

install python 2.7 and scl utils

sudo yum update
sudo yum install scl-utils python27 python27-scldevel

enable python 2.7 for bash

scl enable python27 bash


-- The End --

本文标题: Centos6完美升级Python 2.6.6到Python 2.7.8

本文地址: https://seonoco.com/blog/centos6-upgrade-python-2.6.6-to-python-2.7.8
