
引用请注明出处: https://seonoco.com/blog/1289

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wordpress首页、页面、分类和文章加上description及keywords,将下面的内容复制到wordress模版目录下的函数文件functions.php,然后在模版目录下的header.php对应位置添加<?php any_head_description(); ?><?php any_head_keywords(); ?>就行了.


add_action('wp_head', 'any_head_canonical');

function any_head_description( $output = '' ){
if( is_home() ){ $output = 'Sanxia Welding is the producer of inverter drawn arc stud welder, stud welding gun and shear connector. The products are used in steel structural construction and bridge project etc.'; }
if( is_page(array(42,'about-us','about us')) ){ $output = 'Saxia Welding established in 1995, located in China, is specialized in R&D, manufacturing, marketing and serving stud welding product and shear connector.'; }
if( is_page('contact') ){ $output = 'How to get in touch with Chongqing Sanxia Welding Machine Factory? There are following media: telephone, fax, email, address..'; }
if( is_category(13) ){ $output = 'Chongqing Sanxia Welding Machine Factory provides various kinds of inverter drawn arc stud welders, stud welding guns and shear connectors. It provides stud welding solution too.'; }
if( $output != '' ){ echo '<meta name="description" content="',$output,'"/>'."\n"; }

add_action('wp_head', 'description');

function any_head_keywords( $output = '' ){
if( is_home() ){ $output = 'stud welder,stud welding,welding machine,sanxia stud welder'; }
if( is_page(array(42,'about-us','about us')) ){ $output = 'stud welder,sanxia stud welder,stud welder factory,stud welding manufacturer'; }
if( is_page('contact') ){ $output = 'stud welder,contact,contact sanxia,contact sanxia stud welder,sanxia welding online'; }
if( is_category() ){$output =single_cat_title("", false).',stud welding products,sanxia stud welder' ; }
if( is_single() ){$output =wp_title("", false) .',china stud welder supply,stud welding products' ; }
if( $output != '' ){ echo '<meta name="keywords" content="',$output,'"/>'."\n"; }
add_action('wp_head', 'keywords');

-- The End --

本文标题: wordpress首页、页面、分类和文章加上description及keywords

本文地址: https://seonoco.com/blog/1289
